The Hindu Newspaper wanted to show the citizens of Bengaluru that it's not merely read, it's heard! That it's a newspaper that forms opinions and shapes government policies.
To bring this alive, we created #WhatsYourIssue, an interactive campaign that asked Bangaloreans to tell us their problems.
To bring this alive, we created #WhatsYourIssue, an interactive campaign that asked Bangaloreans to tell us their problems.
Once Bengaluru told us its tales, each issue of The Hindu Newspaper covered one of their issues via editorial and a 360 degree campaign.
The Hindu Newspaper and the citizens of Bengaluru were heard and the government was coerced into taking corrective measures.
We followed this up with the 'Spirit of Bengaluru' campaign that urged Bangaloreans to do their part in returning Bengaluru to its former glory.